Cracking Code Breakers

The Postal Museum

We developed a collection of educational STEM based learning resources (print and digital) for the Postal Museum’s Cracking Code Breakers project. This commission involved producing a classroom activity pack and PowerPoint presentation (aimed at Key Stage 2 and 3) exploring the topic of code breaking in the Second World War.

The extensive  learning resources and presentations work hand in hand to convey individual outcomes for each section:

  • Learn how General Post Office engineers worked hard to build Colossus.
  • An introduction to problem solving and data collection.
  • Learn about the original blueprint for Colossus and how to make a scale drawing.
  • See how secret messages were sent using binary code and tapes.
  • Learn how to decipher different codes and work as a team to translate a message from German.
  • An introduction to digital security and what makes a strong password.

Sample page from the STEM learning resource